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In the spiritual dessert Paramhansa Swami Nirvikalpanand’s ideal is to disseminate among the nations of the world knowledge of definite scientific techniques of Kriya Yoga for attaining direct experience with God. Of the four modes of attaining to the state of constant bliss that we all desire, Kriya Yoga is by far the most direct way, but needs for its practical achievement the guidance of a Living Spiritual Master.
Through kriya yoga, you realize all the things you are not, and discover that which you are: “I am not the breath; I am not the body, neither bones nor flesh. I am not the mind or feeling. I am that which is behind the breath, body, mind and feeling.” When you go beyond the consciousness of this world, know-
-ledge that you are not the body or the mind yet aware as never before that you exist – that divine consciousness is what you are. You are that in which is rooted everything in the universe.
The word kriya means “to do, to take an action,” or “to transform.” Kriya Yoga refers to actions designed to overcome obstructions involving body and mind. Kriya Yoga is a complete system involving a series of techniques, including preparation of body, preparing the mind; practice Beej (seed) mantras, breathing practices to control the life- force, mudras, the science of naad and other higher kriyas. The most important part during this series is initiation and shaktipat (transfer of energy). When the seeker is ready, the Guru may transfer the energy by mere touching the sensitive energy points or just by a look. Thus the aspirant is initiated by a realized Guru in his proper guidance and directions to start and follow the above mentioned techniques. To experience Kundalini (energy source) on its way up the spine is an event powerful enough to change the way we think and function. The goal is to unite with pure Awareness (God). Since pure Awareness is our original form, it is also referred to as Self-awareness.
Paramhansa Swami Nirvikalpanand brought not only to India but to the world a perennial promise of God-Realization, and also a practical method by which spiritual aspirants from all walks of life may progress towards that goal. The spiritual legacy of India is now accessible as practice and experience to all who aspire to perceive God- realization. Swami Nirvikalpanand has placed kriya yoga, the most exalted methods of contemplation, within the reach of all.
Spiritual truth is one; interpreted by Hindu it is called Hinduism; by Christian, Christianity; and so forth. Narrow-mindedness confines religion to church or temple worship and sectarian beliefs, mistaking the form of the spirit Truth has suffered constriction in all interpretations, narrow and liberal. We must reach the goal of Self-Realization of truth, wherein man made interpretations no longer limit us.
Satguru Sri Akhilanandji the present spiritual master of the mission aims to share through kriya yoga the practical methods, the exact techniques of widening the channel of human consciousness, so that truth might flow in continuously, endlessly without obstructions of dogma or unproved beliefs. Sri Akhilanandji points out the path of concentration, step by step progression on a practical system from belief to personal realization and individual attainment of divinity, which is the kernel of every religion.
It was commonly thought that the practice of a soul science like kriya yoga was restricted to ascetics in the forest and mountain caves. Satguru Sri Akhilanand’s mission is to create awareness that a person in ordinary family life anywhere in the world can receive and practice kriya yoga with the highest spiritual benefit. He has rendered a supreme service to mankind by bringing the science and technique of kriya yoga into practical application of everyday life.
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